Thursday 4 April 2013

Technology changes :

In earlier days technical innovations were nearly based on past experience unlike these days people are more fancied on application of technology than creating a new one out of it.

            over last few decades we have undergone extraordinary changes in technology ,there are verity of examples to certify thid view point that a man is increasingly dependent on high and  advance technology for his own benefits. But to what extent is this good ? dont you think its buliding up gap between people in today's busy world?
                             "adopting new and advance technology should always be for betterment of society but never let poverty grow nor let social standards to degrade"

Where enhancing the significance of rationalizing the technology creations and its application,which always play a vital development in all the aspects of human life!



  1. but there are also many positive effects of advancement of technology than the negative right?

  2. Thank you for sharing your info. I really appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for your next post thank you once again.
